Entries by jimflaherty

Transparency vs skin

There is no question that the way in which we have conducted securitizations in the past is broken. I agree with Ethan Penner (in his July 10, 2008 Opinion Article in the WSJ, The Future of Securitization) when he says “Yesterday’s business model has been invalidated.” However, I do not agree with his conclusion that securitization […]

The history of Backshop and CMBS.com

It is September 11, 2008 and I have started preparing content for my soon-to-be released-blog, CMBS 2.0. The history of the company is deeply connected to September 11, 2001 and what better day than the 7-year anniversary of the attacks to chronicle that history. The birth of Backshop The company was incorporated in July 2000 […]